I’m Dani – Coach, Life Strategist, Mother & Human.

My desire to become a coach stems from over two decades of listening, growing and learning from people in my chair as a hairstylist and salon owner. As a ‘hairapist’ I have been trusted with people’s most intimate joys and struggles. I joke that I could have several PhD’s on people’s most inner workings, as I most certainly could write endless books on theories of places we get stuck in life, parenthood and relationships.
This said, my work behind the chair gave me the gift to know what brings me the most fulfillment; to be a support and guide for people in their process of growth and exploration.
After many years considering returning to school for an MFT license, I ultimately landed on coaching as the truest way I can show up for clients. With training in Co-Active Coaching, Positive Intelligence Coaching and mental fitness, as well as ORSC, I am trained in both individual coaching, and relationship systems coaching.
I created Your Oxygen Mask as a coaching practice geared towards supporting individuals, and people in relationship, get clear about what’s going on in their lives currently and support them in their desires. I also work with people who are no longer in a romantic relationship, but are partners in parenting. Working with them to create balance and positive communication to best support their children while engaging in self awareness and care.
Many have questions about how coaching is different from therapy. Coaching is different because therapists work with individuals and couples to analyze and gain insight and understanding into their past to help them deal with their current behaviors. Therapy is a valuable process to gain a better understanding of how we get to the places we are most stuck. Coaching is focused on the present, moving into a more fully developed and conscious future. A ‘life’ coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order uncover and attain greater fulfillment and balance. In my coaching practice, I help individuals and partners discover their unwavering values, find their inner leader and identify and clarify their goals. While working together, this can reveal the barriers holding one back, and uncover strategies for overcoming each obstacle.
Ready to explore?
where you are. is not who you are. – circumstances
A poem by Nayyirah Waheed